1. Chess is a mental torture - Garry Kasparov

  2. Chess is a beautiful mistress - Bent Larsen

  3. Chess demands total concentration - Bobby Fischer

  4. Chess is everything: art, science and sport - Anatoly Karpov

  5. Every chess master was once a beginner - Chernev

  6. Why must I lose to this idiot? - Aron Nimzovich

  7. Help your pieces so they can help you - Paul Morphy

  8. Chess was Capablanca's mother tongue - Reti

  9. When in doubt... play Chess! - Tevis

  10. One bad move nullifies forty good ones - Horowitz

  11. Life is like a game of Chess, changing with each move - Chinese proverb

  12. You cannot play at chess if you are kind-hearted - French Proverb

  13. Chess is really ninety nine percent calculation - Soltis

  14. Chess is ruthless: you've got to be prepared to kill people - Nigel Short

  15. If your opponent offers you a draw, try to work out why he thinks he's worse off - Nigel Short

  16. Chess is the gymnasium of the mine - Blaise Pascal

  17. Only sissies Castle - Rob Sillars

  18. Castle early and often - Rob Sillars

  19. Chess is ninety nine percent tactics - Teichmann

  20. In Chess, at least, the brave inherit the earth - Edmar Mednis

  21. Chess is above all, a fight! - Emanuel Lasker

  22. Pawn endings are to Chess what putting is to golf - Cecil Purdy

  23. Chess opens and enriches your mind - Saudin Robovic

  24. Chess is a cold bath for the mind - Sir John Simon

  25. Chess is eminently and emphatically the philosopher's game - Paul Morphy

  26. Chess is imagination - David Bronstein

  27. A sacrifice is best refuted by accepting it - Wilhelm Steinitz

  28. Chess is life - Bobby Fischer

  29. Some sacrifices are sound; the rest are mine - Mikhail Tal

  30. A bad plan is better than none at all - Frank Marshall

  31. There are two types of sacrifices; correct ones and mine - Mikhail Tal

  32. A good player is always lucky - Jose Raul Capablanca

  33. Chess is not like life... it has rules! - Mark Pasternak

  34. All that matters on the Chessboard is good moves - Bobby Fischer

  35. Discovered check is the dive bomber of the Chessboard - Reuben Fine

  36. He who fears an isolated Queen's Pawn should give up Chess - Siegbert Tarrasch

  37. Chess is the art of analysis - Mikhail Botvinnik

  38. A player surprised is half beaten - Proverb

  39. Good positions don't win games, good moves do - Gerald Abrahams

  40. Chess is as much a mystery as women - Purdy

  41. Without error there can be no brilliancy - Emanuel Lasker

  42. Many have become Chess Masters, no one has become the Master of Chess - Siegbert Tarrasch

  43. Opening teach you openings. Endgame teach you chess! - Stephan Gerzadowicz

  44. Who is your opponent tonight, tonight I am playing against the Black Pieces - Akiba Rubinstein

  45. Excellence at Chess is one mark of a scheming mind - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  46. No price is too great for the scalp of the enemy King - Koblentz

  47. Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders - Savielly Tartakower

  48. When you see a good move, look for a better one - Emanuel Lasker

  49. Nothing excites jaded Grandmasters more than a theoretical novelty - Doninic Lawson

  50. The Pin is mightier than the sword - Fred Reinfeld

  51. Every Pawn is a potential Queen - James Mason

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